Check Out This Clever Sports Animation [VIDEO]
Are you a sports nut? Even if you're not, you might just get a kick out of this fun, clever stop-motion animation from filmmaker PES. Check it out!
Are you a sports nut? Even if you're not, you might get a kick out of this fun and clever stop-motion animation from filmmaker PES. It has a great old-school vibe, which makes you wonder how exactly the effect was achieved. Technology? Patience? Ample amounts of both? Take a look and decide for yourself!
Stop-motion is a traditional and time-consuming film technique. It involves taking many still photos of figures and objects, where the pieces are moved a tiny bit each time. Strung together (usually at the rate of 24 per second!), these images create the illusion of movement. Claymation is a famous example of stop-motion animation. These days, specially designed computer programs can help stop-motion film-makers to save time and produce a smoother result.
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