Tech-savvy New Year's Resolutions

Computer challenged? Here are a few simple and smart New Year's resolutions that, if put into practice, can help you be more savvy with your technology.
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Written by Staff Writer • Posted on Jan 12, 2015

We're 12 days into the new year, and it's probably safe to say that some New Year's resolutions have already been abandoned, leftover confetti waiting to be swept up. The thing is, sometimes we're a little grandiose with our resolutions, pronouncing dreams rather than attainable goals. Don't get me wrong -- I'm all for dreaming. But if the New Year is indeed a time to reassess ourselves and our goals, isn't it a good idea to aim for something that can be accomplished?

Being better with your technology is a goal that is both achievable and impressive. Here are a few simple and smart New Year's resolutions that, if put into practice, can help you be more savvy with your technology.

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Clean your tech hardware. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how quickly dust can collect on your computer tower and monitor. Too much dust can cause dangerous overheating. A can of compressed air can help keep your keyboard clean, while a regular and quick dusting -- I like to use a Swiffer duster -- can do wonders. Don't use harsh chemicals on your computer; it's not made out of the same stuff as your bathroom floor. Usually a good dusting is enough, but if you need something stronger -- if soda or coffee splashes on your screen, for example -- pick up an ammonia-free cleaning agent at an office supply store. The same rules apply to your television, blu-ray player, and household appliances; keep them dust-free to avoid overheating. If you decide to use a cleaner, check your user manuals; some manufacturers advise against both ammonia and alcohol.

Practice password hygiene. Part of being online is being responsible for yourself and your identity. Don't use the same password for all of your accounts: email, banking, shopping sites, etc. Keep a written record of your passwords in a notebook near your computer so that you don't forget them; write down the website or company associated with each password. Every few months -- we suggest quarterly -- change your passwords, being careful to write down the new ones in your notebook.

Read your emails carefully. Hackers camouflage themselves well, sometimes dressing up their fraudulent messages to look like they're from well-known companies or even a contact in your address book. If an email seems off to you, check the sender's email address. Don't click links or open attachments until you can assure that they are legitimate.

Back up your computer. Protect your documents and media files with regular back-ups. If you are a Bask member, this is included in your monthly subscription. If something happens to your computer -- if it's stolen or damaged -- regular back-ups assure that your files are safe and can be restored, even in the worst case scenario.

Update your software. Purchasing a computer is an investment, and not one you want to make too often. Computer manufacturers like Dell, Apple, and Hewlett Packard offer regular software updates to extend the life of your computer. If you get a notification to update your software, don't put it off. If you're uncertain how to complete the update, call Bask and a Technology Advisor can help you, no problem.

Rest your gadgets. Just like you, your computer will run better after a good night's rest. Once a week, shut your computer down and let it rest overnight. You should do the same thing with your smartphone. If you go to see a play or a movie, for example, turn your phone off and let it rest -- it's not like you're going to answer it in the next two hours!

They may seem simple, but a lot of these resolutions are good habits, and it's never too late to start a good habit. Give them a try, and let 2015 be a tech-savvy new year.

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