Connected Families Survey
We asked our members how they use technology to keep in touch with the ones they love. Read more in our Connected Families Survey!

As the holidays approach, we begin thinking more about our families and loved ones who we haven't seen in a while. Maybe you have plans to visit, or maybe traveling lies outside your abilities or budget this year. Whatever the case, we all find ways to connect with the people we love. In our modern age, technology makes it easier than ever to stay in touch. But, are we all using it to full advantage?
With that in mind, we sent out a survey to our members about how they use technology to connect with their families. This data helped us understand how to better support our members, and it even played a part in our rebranding process as we transitioned from iTOK to Bask. Based on your responses, we've tightened our strategy and focus to serve you better. Curious about the results? Read on!
Connected Families Survey Results
Do you feel connected to your family?
- 61% - Very connected -- We have a set schedule of communication or are in continuous contact.
- 35% - Somewhat connected -- We talk occasionally and/or on holidays and special occasions.
- 4% - Not connected at all -- I rarely hear from my family members.
When you add up those who don't feel very connected to their families, it's 39%.
Do you use technology to stay connected with family members when you are unable to visit in person?
- 68% - Yes, I primarily use text-based communication like email and chat messages.
- 10% - Yes, I primarily use audio/video communication like FaceTime and Skype.
- 11% - No, but I would use more technology if someone showed me how.
- 11% - No, I don't feel comfortable using technology to connect with family.
Out of these, which do you find the most helpful in feeling connected to your family?
- 63% - Phone calls
- 17% - Emails
- 13% - Chats or text messages
- 7% - Video chats (FaceTime or Skype)
If you don't feel connected to your family, do you think technology could help you connect more?
- 15% - Strongly Agree
- 35% - Agree
- 28% - Somewhat Agree
- 8% - Somewhat Disagree
- 11% - Disagree
- 3% - Strongly Disagree
When you add up the agree side, it's a staggering 78%!
Is technology is helping you to live longer in your own home (also called "aging in place")?
- 12% - Strongly Agree
- 37% - Agree
- 36% - Somewhat Agree
- 2% - Somewhat Disagree
- 11% - Disagree
- 2% - Strongly Disagree
When you add up the agree side, it totals 85%!
Would you use technology more often if you had someone to assist you when you needed it?
- 15% - Strongly Agree
- 36% - Agree
- 30% - Somewhat Agree
- 8% - Slightly Disagree
- 9% - Disagree
- 2% - Strongly Disagree
When you add up the agree side, it equals an overwhelming 81%!
Who would you ask to teach you how to use new communication technology? (Select all that apply.)
- 43% - Family Member
- 26% - Technology Advisor
- 16% - Friend
- 9% - The Internet
- 6% - Customer Service Representative
How old are you?
- 3% - Under 55
- 12% - 56 - 65
- 28% - 66 - 75
- 43% - 76 - 85
- 13% - Over 85
What is your gender?
- 46% - Male
- 52% - Female
- 2% - Other / Prefer not to answer