How to Avoid Computer Headaches

Studies have shown that the average person in the United States spends 7 hours a day using technology. A substantial chunk of this time is spent on computers. Teenagers, young adults, and regular adults spend copious amounts of time on the Internet doing any number of things. Spending too much time on the computer has […]
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Written by Staff Writer • Posted on Jan 24, 2013

Studies have shown that the average person in the United States spends 7 hours a day using technology. A substantial chunk of this time is spent on computers. Teenagers, young adults, and regular adults spend copious amounts of time on the Internet doing any number of things. Spending too much time on the computer has several negative side effects. One of the major side effects from spending lots of time on the computer is headaches. Here are a few tips on how to avoid computer headaches.

Figure out your computer’s refresh rate. If the refresh rate on your computer is set too low, it will look like the screen is flickering, and that can easily contribute to a headache. It is recommended that you set the refresh rate to 75 Hz.

  1. Don’t slouch. Having bad posture can also contribute to headaches. Try to keep your shoulders back and your ears in line with your shoulders. This can be difficult to do because it is sometimes uncomfortable, but it helps the nerves at the back of your neck to not be unnecessarily strained.
  2. Try not to be on your computer in the dark. When you’re straining to see the screen, this can greatly contribute to headaches. Make sure the room you’re in is lighted well, and that the brightness on your screen isn’t set to too dim a setting. You don’t want to be squinting and straining your eyes.
  3. Adjust the font size on your computer. This tip ties into the last two bullet points. If the font size on your computer is too small, you’ll be leaning forward and straining your eyes to see it. Don’t be embarrassed because you feel like an old person; make your fonts bigger so as to avoid eye strain.

If you are a heavy computer user, it is important to take care of your eyes and your head when on the computer. Doing so will help you to avoid further health problems related to headaches in the future.