Keyboard Shortcuts to Make Life Easier

Your keyboard is not just for typing in things- it is a valuable tool in itself to get things done.
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Written by Staff Writer • Posted on Oct 05, 2012

Keyboard Shortcuts to Make Life Easier

We’d just like to take a minute to discuss some of the more helpful keyboard shortcuts that you can use from day to day. Your keyboard is not just for typing in things- it is a valuable tool in itself to get things done.

As such, it is a good idea to memorize some of the more helpful shortcuts which are available to you. It doesn’t take very long to do, and it can make a big difference for you if you apply these shortcuts!

Here are some great shortcuts to utilize at any given time, listed using keystrokes:

Task Manager- Control+Alt+ Delte

Copy an Item- Control+ C

Cut an Item- Control+ X

Paste an Item- Control+ V

Undo an Action- Control+ Z

Redo an Action- Control+ Y

Print- Control+ P

Search for Files and Folders- Windows Key+ F

Open New Instance of a Program- Windows+ Shift+ Click a taskbar icon

Quick Run- Windows+ R

Quick Help- Windows+ F1

You can use these shortcuts (and more like them) in order to quickly do tasks without needing to waste time clicking around. When you are working on a project of any kind, you want to be able to quickly perform more actions and corrections on the spot, as well as being able to access programs without having to manually find them in a start menu or anywhere else.

Using keyboard shortcuts effectively means that you be able to work more effectively and efficiently. Try them out- you will notice a difference.