Tech Tips: Saving a Bookmark in Mozilla Firefox

Do you browse the Internet with Mozilla? Here's how to save bookmarks in Firefox, plus a handy key shortcut! Learn more and save time with iTOK.
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Written by Staff Writer • Posted on Feb 10, 2015

How to Save Bookmarks in Firefox

Some days, you just don't have enough time to get things done. If you are using a PC to access the Internet, and don't have enough time to look up what you need, you can mark a website to find it again later. This is called bookmarking -- just like slipping a bookmark into your favorite novel.

When you have found a site that you want to find again later, simply press the Control key together with the letter D. A little pop-up message will ask you where you'd like to save it. Select "Bookmarks Menu" and click "Done." Your bookmark is saved!

In Mozilla Firefox, your bookmarks are listed in your Favorites menu, marked with a gold star. When you want to visit any of your bookmarked sites, you can go to your Favorites menu and easily select the one you'd like.

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