Backup Saves Your File When You Forget to

Bask Backup can recover a deleted file, lost document and any other form of data loss. It saves a second version of your photos, videos and documents.
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Written by Staff Writer • Posted on Nov 23, 2016

Everyone has been there- you can't find where you saved an important document, you accidentally deleted a file you need, or even worse, your computer completely crashes.

Luckily, there is a way to recover those files- as long as you have data backup. Bask Backup, powered by IDrive, can recover a deleted file, lost document and any other form of data loss, because it saves a second version of your photos, videos and documents in a secure, online account.

Watch this video for more information:

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Bask can protect your data with secure online backup. Learn more when you call us today for a free question & answer session, or schedule one here: Speak with a Bask Technology Advisor.