Friday Linkapalooza - November 6, 2015
Start your weekend off right with fun articles and videos collected by your friends at Bask in this week's Friday Linkapalooza. Enjoy!
Happy Friday! Start your weekend off right with fun articles and videos collected by your friends at Bask in this week's Friday Linkapalooza. Enjoy!
Thanksgiving is still before us, but many people are already looking for the perfect holiday gift. Amazon gives you some suggestions with their new exclusive collaboration with Oprah and her annual list of "favorite things."
Tired of juggling all your different payment methods and retailer rewards points? Walgreens has just announced that it is the first retailer to integrate its reward system with Apple Pay.
Is there a technology that you wish were uninvented?
Chilling video takes us to the devastating site of the Brazil mining company's dam break.
A look at how Adidas is partnering with high schools to eliminate offensive Native American mascots.
Is it possible to see into your medical future?
Are restrictions on animal chimera testing holding back important medical discoveries?
New studies show that the only group to see declining mortality rates are middle-aged white people.
A detailed look at the journey of the new Peanut's movie from paper to pixels.
CBS has announced that a new version of Star Trek will return to television in January 2017.